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Officially Started...Officially dragging

7:00 AM came and went. It was 25° when I woke up to go running. Being new to running and as out of shape as I am, my lungs are already plotting a coup against me for starting this running business. They would not let me out in the cold weather. So that left me with 2 options: 1) Lunch Run 2) Evening in the dark run.

Each option has advantages and disadvantages. I had my MWF workout with Jerome Biggers at Couture Bodies which I have prioritized. The thought of a workout with Mr. Biggs and then a 4+ mile run seemed daunting. But a night run has its own issues.

I opted for the lunch run with some Beastie Boys Solid Gold Hits accompaniment which I randomly picked but later I believe saved my run.

After Mr. Biggs ripped my arms and core, I set out on a course I'd created in PlotARoute. It would take me on some hills but after yesterday's run, I thought I could handle them.

(Note to self - Coach put in a recovery day for a reason.)

For me the first 1/2 mile is the most mentally challenging. Not that I don't think I'll finish the 1/2 mile interval I'm working on. I'm thinking about the whole run. "If it's this hard at .4 miles, how am I going to go 4.25?" After the 1.5 mile mark, however, my mental talk changes to, "I can do that 2 more times."

A side note for all my Athens people: Today's run took me down Cobb Street to Milledge and then over to Prince. I was only on Milledge for less than a tenth of a mile. I felt unworthy to be running on Milledge and I wanted off ASAP. Milledge Ave is for the beautiful people to run. I half expected one of Athens' Finest to pull up next to me and escort me off the route. Maybe one day!

During the run the mental challenge gives way to the physical challenge. At about the 3.2 mile on an uphill my stride retarded to baby steps. My feet felt like cinder blocks and were rising just a few inches off the ground and shuffling forward only a 1/2 step. My pace at 50 minutes in was 20'02". Watching people drive by, I swear I could see some of them snicker. "Hey man, don't you know a week ago I was sitting on the couch and this is the end of my 3rd 5K this week. Recognize!"

It was about then that I tuned into the lyrics of Sure Shot in my ears:
Because you can't, you won't, and you don't stop! 

Now I have no idea what this song is about and at this point I didn't really care. It kept me going. (If you judge me, I refer you to Romans 14:1-13 for a little light reading.)

That kept me prodding along and my pace quickened once I was off the uphill portion.

When I hit the 4 mile mark, Nike informed me I had finished 4 miles at a 13.5 minute pace. 

Sure Shot morphed into Body Movin (Fatboy Slim Remix) and I loved the lyrics 

We need body rockin' not perfection
Let me get some action from the back section 
Body movin', body movin

I'm sure it wasn't pretty but I finished my 3rd run, Thanks to the coaching and encouragement of Dr. Jeff Bangle, the preparation I've been doing with Jerome Biggers and the extra love and support from my wife and kids. I logged almost 11 miles so far. It's happening.


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