Activity Level: 30min workout 3x per week
Runs: 0
Walks 1x per week 30 min on treadmill
With 2017 in the rear-view, I start 2018 with renewed conviction to do something this year about my health and weight. Currently on 2 drugs for hypertension, 1 for cholesterol. AC1 creeping up to pre-diabetic levels.
I've tried swimming, dieting, vegetarianism, veganism, boot camps, martial arts, personal training - usually with some moderate level of success.
In 2016 I got down to 200lbs and had to purchase 36" waist pants. Now I'm glad I didn't donate those 38" pants.
It's not so much a New Year's resolution as it is turning 50 years old. Half a century.
The only two activities left to try are running and boxing. I'll try running.
Trying to be a positive person, I'll only say this once for the record and you won't see me write it again:
I hate running!
That being said, I want to like running. I like the benefits. I like the lean bodies it produces. I want that for myself. The endurance. The thrill of a race on a Saturday morning. The camaraderie. My legacy with my kids.
I think it might stem from my original bouts with running. I ran track in high school for all the wrong reasons.
Athletics were not my strong suit. I was more at home in the computer lab. But seeing that a letterman's jacket afforded one a certain social status, I looked for a sport I could compete in at the 11th grade level without any prior high school experience. Football was out, basketball not happening. I tried wrestling but on the first day of practice the coach taught us how to check someone's oil and I decided that was not for me.
In 1984 the Riverwood High School Raiders Track team had the best looking uniforms. I won't elaborate but it might have had some influence on my decision. Everyone looked great. I decided to run.
All I can remember is dying, gasping for air running around the track, the sound of metal cleats, the smell of medicated rub and the pain of shin splints. I developed a weird triple breath cadence and never experienced "the high" of running.
I made it through the season but the coveted RW letter would not be mine. I never placed top 3 in a race nor broke any school records. I mostly ran #2 or #3 on the second relay team.
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